Marketing Workshops

Brand Clarity helps you build an aspirational brand that is true to your values and resonates with customers.

Customer Magnet helps you build an effective customer journey including an acquisition and retention strategy.

Effective Email shows you how to build a contact database and wow them with newsletters, key campaigns, and slick automations.

Business Marketing Workshops

Marketing Workshops

Brand Clarity helps you build an aspirational brand that is true to your values and resonates with customers.

Customer Magnet helps you build an effective customer journey including an acquisition and retention strategy.

Effective Email shows you how to build a contact database and wow them with newsletters, key campaigns, and slick automations.  

Business Marketing Workshops

Brand Clarity Workshop
(1 day)


You’ve just started your business

and need clarity in order to build your brand and start marketing it. You want a strong brand that resonates with your audience from the off-set.

You have a relatively new business

and want to elevate your brand. You need it to be clear, consistent and to get your brand message across to cut through the market and see growth.

You’ve been running your business for a while

and need a refresh and a re-think on your brand. You’ve hit a plateau and want to grow. You know there’s opportunity to grab so you need a kickstart!

What to expect

1. Questionnaire
For you to fill in to gather initial thoughts and ideas on your brand purpose (including your vision and values), target audience, brand positioning (where you fit within the market and your unique selling point) and your brand personality (how all of this can be brought to life).
2. Discovery Call
For me to understand what you are looking to achieve and why you need brand clarity. We’ll discuss your completed questionnaire, the current status of your brand, any strengths, opportunities, threats and weaknesses.
3. One Day Workshop
Where I will take into account all of the ideas we have discussed on our call and within the questionnaire. We will work through several exercises and mind-mapping sessions to become clear on your brand purpose, target audience, brand positioning and brand personality. You’ll leave feeling energised, motivated and clear on how you can communicate the best parts of your business to an ideal audience.
4. Brand Clarity Pack
In which I will summarise the outputs of our workshop for you to refer to and use in all of your future marketing. Your guide to powerful, consistent, pack-a-punch branding!

The Investment

1-2-1 bespoke workshop for your business:
From £1250 for a day session. Get in touch and we can arrange a date to suit us both.

Please note – the Brand Clarity workshop does not include the creation of brand collateral such as a logo.

Customer Magnet Workshop
(1 day)


You want customers to be eager to buy from you and clients to be eager to work with you.
You want to attract customers/clients then keep them loyal to you.
You need to be clearer on what your customers/clients want.
You need to build better customer/client relationships.
You need to know what messages to send your customers/clients and via which marketing channels.
You want a dazzling marketing strategy that brings your brand to life, resonates with your audience and converts them into customers and clients.

What to expect

1. Questionnaire
For you to fill in to gather initial thoughts and ideas on your customers/clients, who they are, what their needs are, how you can add value to their lives, where they are active online, and what kinds of messages they are receptive to.
2. Discovery Call
For me to understand what you are looking to achieve. We’ll discuss your completed questionnaire, the current status of your business, any strengths, opportunities, threats and weaknesses.
3. One Day Workshop
Where I will take into account all of the ideas we have discussed on our call and within the questionnaire. We will work through several exercises and mind-mapping sessions to become clear on who your ideal target audience is, what motivates them to buy, and the most effective messaging and marketing channels for them. All of this will be pulled together in a customer journey timeline to capture their attention, convert them and keep them buying from you.
4. Customer Magnet Pack
In which I will summarise the outputs of our workshop for you to refer to and use in all of your future marketing. Your guide to powerful marketing that converts potential customers and clients into loyal ones!

The Investment

1-2-1 bespoke workshop for your business:
From £1250 for a day session. Get in touch and we can arrange a date to suit us both.

Effective Email Workshop
(Half day)


You don't know where to start with email marketing

You want to learn how to set up a database, collect email addresses, and how to kick off an email marketing plan.

You need to make the most of your data

Your database needs some serious organisation so you can optimise and personalise your email marketing.

You want to keep your contacts informed

You need a personal, professional way of communicating with your contacts.

You want to build customer loyalty

by sending exclusive offers and setting up an impressive automated email programme.

What to expect

1. Questionnaire
For you to fill in to gather initial thoughts and ideas on your customers/clients, who they are, what their needs are, how you can add value to their lives, where they are active online, and what kinds of messages they are receptive to.
2. Discovery Call
For me to understand what you are looking to achieve. We’ll discuss your completed questionnaire, the current status of your business, any strengths, opportunities, threats and weaknesses.
3. Half Day Workshop
Where I will take into account all of the ideas we have discussed on our call and within the questionnaire. We will work through several exercises and mind-mapping sessions to help you understand the foundations of email marketing, how to manage your database, collate emails, develop an email marketing plan, and design engaging emails.
4. Effective Email Pack
In which I will summarise the outputs of our workshop for you to refer to and use in all of your future email marketing. Your guide to emails that wow your contacts.

The Investment

1-2-1 bespoke workshop for your business:
From £550 for a half day session. Get in touch and we can arrange a date to suit us both.

Achieve Growth, Nurture Relationships, Build a Brand

Further support options

Add on access to me as your consultant for the month following the workshop – one hour call a week with summarised action plan
